I love hard games.

YESSSSS. Played through Hatsworth, perfected Zone 1 of BIT.TRIP RUNNER and got 162 stars in SMG 2.
There is one thing, the first two games share, and the third one has... sometimes.


Henry Hatsworth's final boss has like 5 attacks which INSTANT KILL YOU. BIT.TRIP RUNNER is spamming flying sh*tballs of doom. And SMG2 got a certain galaxy which p***es off so much people I don't even.

But I like that.
I like hard games. Well, hard, but not unfair. Think Kaizo Mario World - this crap was so unfair it definely fits it's name (kaizo is the japanese name for a**hole. See, now you can insult people without them knowing. This blog is eductional). If you want a hard thing, don't be illegal and download a SMW ROM and play this. Seriously, this is so unfair it's not even fun.

Today's shop tip: Get Hatsworth and BIT.TRIP. Together they are just 28€ (around 35$) and they are hard. And fun. Damn, you should get Hatsworth already because of it's "Tea Time" and BIT.TRIP RUNNER is worth buying just because of the flying sh*tballs of doom.

Also, what's your usual action when playing through a game? Mine's buying a new one. So when you see a "Suyo" in Bomberman 2 online, please don't pwn me too hard :)

Also, Mario Discussion still running. Remember it. kthxbai.

i LISTENING TO: Heavy Metal (Final Boss Theme) - Henry Hatsworth OST
I wonder if there's anyone I can play Bomberman with.

3 Kommentare:

Anonymous said...

You know what i do?Swear until my guts explode.>.>

But,really Super Mario Flash pissed my off SO HARD.I seriously screamed out loud as hard as i can."f***************!!!!!"

Again aleksgospodinov from Runouw.com.

Suyo from school said...

Hint: At commet as, choose name and type in aleksgospodinov there ;)

But hey, SMF is nowhere near BIT.TRIP RUNNER :O

aleksgospodinov said...

Also,I played Kaixo Mario at my friends house and i nearly put a crack in the wall from punching it.

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