Obviously I began with Easy Mode. Yeah shame on me. Though I got experience with Mega Man, I beat 2-6 just with the Rewind feature of my emulator O_O
Wasn't too bad. Conviently placed platforms everywhere, not much damage. The only stage which royally pissed me off was Wily 3. Classical Spike Shafts. I screwed up a bit and lost two of my three Shock Guards (for non Mega Man nerds: Spikes are instakill. Shock Guards save you from that). Then there's a extremly hard underwater part with low spiked ceiling and I lost 6 lives there. omgwtfbbq.
Right now I'm doing some challenges. 12% done. Weeee.
- Buy Mega Man 10 (Yeppers)
- Beat a Robot Master in Mega Man 10 (Sheep Man fell first)
- Beat Mega Man 10 (on Easy)